3lectronic 6aming 0rganization

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Left4Dead; Buy or Ignore?

So Nerds and Geeks alike, I have been pressured by many to get a new game soley for the co-op mode, Left4Dead. My only reservation is I just bought Gears of War 2, and I honestly have not gotten very far and I hate to buy a new game when I barely have played the last 60 dollar adventure.

I have been doing quite of bit of research and from what I can see it is getting good reviews. I, in fact, almost bought it today, Target gives a $5 gift card with its purchase, but my 360 went all red ring of death on me, why buy a game when all I can do is look at it.  So I decided to use the power of the blog. So let me know! 


Blogger iLiam said...

Hold off, as soon as you get your 360 back, we'll be playing Gears on co-op!

Sun Nov 23, 10:26:00 PM 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got it on Saturday, and it's really fun! But you can only play so much in one day, the campaigns are kind of weird because there are 4 different ones that have nothing to do with each other, but I haven't played the online mode. But being a zombie is going to be the shit!

Sun Nov 23, 11:18:00 PM 2008  
Blogger iLiam said...

Only play so much in one day? Why is that.

Mon Nov 24, 08:40:00 AM 2008  
Blogger init_5 said...

i realize you don't really give a shit about my opinion, but i'd suggest waiting for the price to drop a little. the game is great, for sure, but the scenarios are a little bit limited from what i've been reading. waiting for a month or 2 for the price to drop will also allow time for a new map pack or some sort of content update so it stays fresh and exciting longer. and you'll be able to continue enjoying gears 2 for longer.

Mon Nov 24, 08:49:00 AM 2008  
Blogger Newton 3.0 said...

Dude, I value your opinions. Why else would I post a blog asking for advice, that would be very hypocritical. Good idea waiting for the price to drop, that maybe what I do.

Mon Nov 24, 09:14:00 AM 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we tried to play it on super hard, we got stuck and got kind of frustrated haha

Mon Nov 24, 09:58:00 AM 2008  

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