3lectronic 6aming 0rganization

Friday, January 29, 2010

iPad, My Take

Unless you live under a rock, in a cave, at the bottom of the ocean, you've undoubtedly heard that Apple announced their "Tablet" today. Their "Netbook killer," stating that they are gunning for netbooks. This isn't going to be a post comparing the iPad and netbooks, it is going to be my first impression from a hands off perspective on Apple's new, "revolutionary" device. I will do this by quoting conversations I've had during and since the announcement.

"It's just a big iPod Touch!"
Yes, yes it is. A big iPod touch, which runs almost all current touch screen apps. Additionally an iWork suite catered to the new device and a new iBooks app which is an ereader app. This is where I think the device will shine. It will actually have books mobile that will be readable by people other then Superman with eye zooming special powers. Something the iPod Touch can't say. The mobile possibilities of iWork have yet to be proven but seem very, very intriguing and if done properly could be enough. With iWork and other apps currently in the app store, I could see this device being a bloggers and journalist heaven. So mobile and easy to use on the go. The touch typing will be the sticking point here but that can easily be taken care of with the docked keyboard.

It will also make what was good on the Touch, great. Things like watching movies, and browsing the web for the simple fact that the device is bigger.

"Netbook killer? It doesn't even multi-task, not to mention the lack of flash support!"
True, the lack of these two features is very disappointing. First let me address multi-tasking. I think multi-tasking will be in iPhone OS 4.0. Why isn't iPad showing this? Because iPad is running iPhone OS 3.2. Apple wanted all of the focus to be on the iPad yesterday. There is a good possibility that iPhone OS 4.0 was in a place to be shown off at the announcement but they wanted all focus on the iPad. My prediction is that multi-tasking will be on both the iPad, and iPhone in early Summer with the release of iPhone OS 4.0.

What about Flash. Recently speculation has arisen that when the iPad launches it will include Flash support. During the Apple "is the greatest, and our products are the greatest, and I'm the greatest in my muscle shirt" video it shows the New York Times website with Flash working. I'm not yet convinced that it will include Flash but this recent "evidence" gives hope that maybe, if anything they are working on it.

So, the real question is are you getting one? I am. I originally told myself if it is just a big iPod Touch, I would not. Well it pretty much is just a big iPod Touch. I still plan on getting one because the uses I wanted the iTablet for are there. The killer ebook reader. A way to take the place of my laptop. Notice I said, "take the place," not "replace." I wanted something light and easy to carry, something that would allow me to take notes instead of carrying around the 3 or so paper notebooks I take with me to meetings. The iPad does everything I wanted it for and more. Should you get one? Only you can answer that question. You have to look at your needs, and decide whether the iPad will fulfill those needs.

I for one am excited, hopefully in about 60 days I'll be typing a blog post on the iPad, giving you my first impressions. "Last time there was this much excitement about a tablet, it had some commandments written on it."

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