3lectronic 6aming 0rganization

Thursday, October 8, 2009

EGO 360 Geekcast #3/Zombicast is up!

Everyone check out the Podcast page or go to iTunes and download the newest podcast.  Tonights a special one that everyone should enjoy.  Very seasonal.

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Monday, October 5, 2009


I was going through GameStop.com and looking at the releases coming up for the Xbox. And guess what I saw? SAW! (Funny, I know!)

I was talking to iLiam earlier when I saw this. I think making a game out of a movie is not always the best idea, but I like Saw, so I'm definitely thinking about renting this. haha I think it'll be like a puzzle game with blood and guts, plus you determine your destiny.

So much for the revival of the webpage with crappy posts like this.

That is all.


Preparing for the zombie apocalypse!

To prepare for the special podcast we have coming up this week(wink wink, nudge nudge) I want to start the week off with some input from all of you.  Originally I wanted to put a poll up asking everyone for their favorite Zombie movie and games, but realized I'm not the expert.  So let's get everyone else's opinions, post up in the comments letting everyone  know what you think, and who knows, maybe someone will bring one up you didn't think of.  I'll start!

Movie:  Shaun of the Dead, I love the absurdity of it all.
Game:  The Resident Evil Series, I know kind of cheating, though I seriously considered Lef4Dead, I had to go with the one that started it all.

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"The voice of his brothers blood, cried out from the ground."

Anyone that has a pulse should be excited for this game.  Soon to sweep the gaming nation, this is the big one.  Bringing the fight home!