Hey all,
I have shared my views about the famous (rather infamous) organization called GreenPeace. Here’s another reason why I hate GreenPeace!
Now, GP has gotten it out for Apple. Yep. GP is up and against the famous creator of IPods, Macs and more… Well, they kind of lost it, if you ask me… GreenPeace uses Macs in all their offices. And they state on their website -
We love Apple. Apple knows more about “clean” design than anybody,
right? So why do Macs, iPods, iBooks and the rest of their product
range contain hazardous substances that other companies have abandoned?
A cutting edge company shouldn’t be cutting lives short by exposing
children in China and India to dangerous chemicals. That’s why we Apple fans need to demand a new, cool product: a greener Apple.
Insanity or what? But, they have gone on further to say -
It’s not about bruising Apple’s image, Apple should be an environmental
leader. We want Apple to be at the forefront of green technology, and
to clearly show other companies how to do it the right way. But YOU
have to tell Apple to go green to the core — they listen to their
customers, not to Greenpeace.
Hmmm… Interesting. Does GreenPeace heads draw lots every weekend on which company to support, and which to bury?
Well, a fellow blogger, Vectronic’s Apple World, has put up a very sensible article on this latest battle.
Why does Greenpeace have it in for Apple? I would wager a good sum of
money on the proposition that Steve Jobs and company favor Greenpeace
and their ilk. Steve Jobs is the quintessential example of a hippy
turned yuppie. He probably recycles all his garbage. He probably votes
the straight Democratic ticket. He probably likes big government. He
probably stays up late at night worrying about global warming. He
probably thinks George Bush is really the Anti-Christ. So why does
Greenpeace find it necessary to attack Apple?
My hate to GreenPeace started with them campaigning against a company where my dad used to work. The Fertilizers And Chemicals Travancore Ltd (FACT) was blamed for a lot of pollution - actually caused by other companies(who donated generously to the Green Peace Fund). They wanted to shut down FACT. They didnt realize that fact that FACT was the pioneer and one of the biggest Fertilizer company in India, and it provided Fertilizers at the cheapest rates in India, and abroad. If it shut down, then we would have seen yet another starvation famine in the Indian subcontinent! But why should GP care? They get their purses filled to shout against a company, they’re happy!
Green Peace is nothing but a group of money hungry, senseless activists! They need to be shut down for good!
Well, anyway, back to the Apple vs GreenPeace, I’m waiting for Steve Jobs to put in a good comment against the GreenPeace…